With the current state of the economy, taking charge of a project to hurricane-proof your home may seem financially impossible. However, in reality, there are many measures you can take to help improve the chances that your home will survive the severe weather conditions of a hurricane. If you are currently on a tight budget, its important to be aware of methods that can help to costs in your hurricane preparation, while still ensuring that your home is protected. Here are a few simple tips that will help you to lower the chances of severe damage to your home during a hurricane, while still saving money on your hurricane preparations for your home.

Plywood can provide inexpensive Protection when used Efficiently.

Many people believe that plywood is an ineffective defense for windows against hurricane-force winds. In reality, this is only half-true. Most people bolt their plywood to the frame of their window, which does not provide a secure amount of protection against high winds and debris. During high wind conditions, the wind circulating between the plywood and the window will create an outward force on the wood, as well as pressure against the glass of the window. This can result in the plywood being ripped away from the house, taking the window frame (and potentially the entire window) with it. In order for plywood to be more effectively used to protect windows, it’s best if you screw the plywood into the actual siding of your house. This will ensure that the weight of the wind is not entirely carried on the frame of the window. Screwing your plywood into the actual siding creates a much more secure protection against hurricane-force winds.

Your Garage makes you more vulnerable than you may think.

Securing your garage is perhaps one of the more important things that you can do to help protect your home from hurricane damage. It’s said that approximately 80% of damage to residential homes results from wind entry through the garage. Because of this, spending a bit of time and money securing your garage can go a long way towards protecting you home. Purchase a reinforced garage door, which should come with a sticker which specifically states the pressure rating of the material used to construct the door. The absolute cheapest method that you can use to reinforce your garage, is to self-install plywood or steel protection yourself. This is a project that shouldn’t take you more than a half-day of work, and can greatly help in protecting your home from hurricane damage.

Landscaping – a cost-effective way to help avoid Hurricane damage.

Though hurricane-force winds can carry debris for hundreds of miles, you can help minimize the chances that your home will be damaged by flying debris. This is done by removing large rocks, trees, hanging branches and other elements of your yard which can cause damage to your home if subjected to high-intensity wind. A large percentage of homeowners see the aftermath of damaged caused by debris during hurricanes, which can be avoided with some general landscaping. Check the trees surrounding your home for any signs of decay, which can make them more vulnerable to hurricane-force winds.